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Hi, I'm Lisa. 

I'm so glad you found me. I'm a yoga teacher based in Springfield and Beaulieu in Chelmsford, Essex.

I teach Hatha yoga, Yin yoga and Yoga Nidrā classes in-person in Beaulieu and Springfield and online via Zoom. I also offer monthly Gong Baths.

I would love to share and inspire your yoga journey through yoga classes, yoga workshops and yoga retreats
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About Lisa

Lisa Hands

Hi, I'm Lisa. I'm so glad you found me - welcome!

My yoga journey began at the age of 18 and since then has been a constant through my life. After many years of practice and with a pull to learn more and deepen my knowledge and practice, I sought out teacher training and completed Yoga Alliance 200-hour teacher training in 2016. 

Since completing my Hatha training I have trained in Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra. I am also a qualified Gong practitioner.


I love yoga, everything about it and it is my passion to encourage everyone who joins me on the mat to have that feeling too. To dive into this wondrous discipline with myriad benefits. I encourage everyone to be kind and gentle with themselves. To listen to and find awareness of their own body and breath to steady the mind even when life is chaotic. Observing the breath is an amazing indicator of how we are feeling.

I am passionate to convey how the mind, body and spirit can be nourished, cherished and loved through the magic of yoga, the connection to the breath, the grounding, the spaciousness, the lightness. From rolling out your mat and unplugging from the day-to-day busyness of life to facilitating you with the tools to use in your everyday life both on and off your yoga mat.

I am grateful to have learnt from and been inspired by many wonderful teachers who have influenced me to be where I am today.

Qualifications & Gratitude

Qualifications and so much gratitude for studying with these teachers: 


250hr Yoga Alliance Registered


Helena Bingham 

200-hour Hatha 

Dee Harries & Helena Bingham

50-hour Yin Yoga 

Dawn Wright 

50-hour Yoga Nidra


Jambo Dragon 

Yoga Anatomy


Victoria Adamson

Yoga Anatomy

Leigh Acteson-Rook (Vortex Sound)

Gong Sound Training

Laura Green

Beyond YTT

Emma Turnbull


Gary Carter

Myofascial Movement


Learning to become a teacher deepened my knowledge and understanding of yoga but it is a lifelong journey of study and one that teaches me something new every time I roll out my mat to teach, participate and practice.

About Us
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About Yoga

The meaning of the word yoga is 'union' and it is derived from the Sanskrit word "yuj" which means "to join / to unite”. It is a 5000 year old Indian body of knowledge. Yoga is about harmonising the body with the mind and breath through various breathing techniques (pranayama), yoga postures (asana) and meditation (dhyana).

Hatha yoga

"Ha" - sun     "tha" - moon

Hatha means the yoga to bring balance between the sun and the moon, the light and the dark, the masculine and the feminine in you.

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice and during a class you will hear me using the Sanskrit name for many poses, breathing techniques, mantra and meditation.

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Contact Me

Lisa Hands Yoga
Yoga classes, Gong Baths and Retreats

Chelmsford, Essex, UK

Tel: 07932 637896


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